There are different types of primers I use when refinishing Furniture and which one I choose depends on the surface that is being refinished. I typically prime all the furniture I refinish. I feel it adds extra protection for a long lasting finish!
Blocking Primer
Eye Love Hue Ole Bitty Blocker
Ole Bitty Blocker is a clear primer that is a stain blocking primer. The advantage of a clear primer is that when you paint with dark colors you do not have to use extra coats of paint over a white primer. Why do you need a stain blocking primer? There are some woods that will bleed tannins and you will need a blocking primer or you will see those tannins come through your paint layers. Sometimes you may not see them until after you apply the top coat/sealer. Even dark colors may show bleed through of the tannins.
Sometimes I prefer to use a white primer if I am painting with light colors. This is when I like to use the next primer.
Zinsser BIN Advanced Shellac Based Primer
This is my Blocking primer of choice when painting with light colors. If you are painting white or light colors this is very important but sometimes even the dark colors the tannins will discolor the paint as well.
Bonding Primer
Zinsser Maximum Adhesion Primer
This is the primer I choose when I have a shiny or slick surface to paint. This includes Laminate, Glass or sometimes just an extra shiny and slick wood surface too. For the most part you should not need to use a bonding primer on wood but if the existing finish is lacquer and I am unable to sand it enough to feel confident that the paint will adhere well I use this bonding primer.
When and what kind of primer do you use on the furniture you refinish? I am open to trying different brands and types of primers so leave a comment with your favorite primer to use on your refinished furniture!